Tuesday, May 24, 2005

The Final Countdown...

Well, there is but one weekend left. I'm still weighing my options on how to spend it, but at the present time, it's looking like another trip to Rome is on tap. I've already reserved a room for two nights in the hotel I mentioned in the addendum to the last post. I have until 1645 tomorrow to cancel it. If I haven't found a better option than Rome by then, then Rome it will be.

And this time, I'm taking no prisoners.



Anonymous said...

Oh V and the X-man are coming soon? Your bachelor days are numbered but you have done well with travelling and all the pub crawling.

Jo Travels said...

Its 1045 Rik, you have 6 more hours to go!

Rik said...

ARA - Yes, they'll be home on Tuesday. Not a minute too soon, I'm pulling my hair out. X Man will probably be tlaking upa storm when he gets back.

DP - Time is indeed getting short. Rome is looming large. Stay tuned...


Kitty said...

Take the Popener in case of "near ass-raping" by local cops :)

Anonymous said...

bel blog di merda
andate affanculo