Friday, July 15, 2005

New Photos of the X Man Posted

Just posted about a hundred new pictures of the X Man to the website. Click the link below to see them...

New Photos of the X Man



Anonymous said...

He is sooo cute! I like his expression while eating gelato but I think he is sick of eating papatini with catsup? Try it with mayo! Chloe saw his pix and she said ''owww baby''.

Kitty said...

Is the ever adorable X-Man (you've just GOT to be bursting-buttons-proud) multi-lingual?

Rik said...

Ara - I love that picture of him eating the fries! He was so worn out from running around in the heat and humidity and it really shows in that pic.

Kitty - Yes, he knows and understands most words in both English and Italian. The other night we were upstairs and my neighbor told him (in Italian), "Go give papa a kiss". Sure enough, he walked over and gave me a kiss on the cheek. If you tell him the same thing in English, he'll do the same.

On top of that, he also understands some words in Tagalog (Virginia is a Filipina). And another friend of ours is trying to teach him French. The more languages the better I guess...


Kitty said...

My husband's daughter from wife #1 learned both German & English when they lived in Germany. She was about 3 when she returned to the states with her mother (but not her father). She thought she didn't recall any German until you asked her something in German, and then she remembered some, and I'm talking 10-15 years later.