Thursday, August 04, 2005

Leave it to the Dutch...

I've been through Schipol Airport in Amsterdam a few times and have seen this. I always thought it was just a creative little joke, but now I can see the method behind the Dutch madness:


Anonymous said...

Clever.. Still doesn't make me proud to be Dutch though =/

Ed said...

So the Dutch put an etched fly in the urinal to improve aim while the Americans draw an arrow pointing up to the ceiling where the words, "You are peeing on your shoes," are written.

Best bathroom humor I ever saw and probably only an engineer could appreciate was a mathmatical equation that translated into the written language said, "The limit of engineering as GPA approaches zero equals business."

Blog ho said...

i should do that at home.

Jo Travels said...

OMG, hahaha. Is this true? I would not be surprised that the Dutch did it. They always try to do something for efficiency (not bureacracy) and organization like legalize prostitution, hash, and euthanasia.

Psychology at best. Does that mean a man always wants to TARGET something? Isn't that too combative?

Ed said...

Give a man a full bladder and a fresh snowbank and something is going to be written I can tell you that!

wGGtah said...

Lol, interesting post! Just blog hopping :)