Thursday, July 06, 2006

Italia, I'm coming home!

On Saturday, I'll be getting on a cheap Ryan Air flight from Frankfurt, Germany to Bergamo, Italy. I shall then rent a car and head home to Caldogno where I will be witnessing a dream come true - watching Italy in the World Cup final with my Italian friends. On Monday I'll drive down to Bologna where I'll catch a flight back to Germany. Hopefully by the time I get on the plane in Bologna, Italy will be world champions. Otherwise it's going to be a long, depressing ride home.



Anonymous said...

Have fun. I hope they win, because I have no love for France. I'm still upset that Ireland didn't make the Cup....
Danny Boy

Rik said...

DB, me too actually. I've always thought that the World Cup is just a bit more fun when Ireland and/ or Scotland are involved for some reason. Watch out for the Faroe Islands in the next World Cup!

Anonymous said...

Viva Zidane

Rik said...

Anonymous - Va ramengo!