Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The X Man might be a genius.

The X Man: Is this the face of a genius?

This past weekend I took the X Man upstairs to the neighbors to have my coffee and banter for a bit. While there, Giampietro takes out a piece of paper on which he had drawn several pictures of various objects such as a car, a train, an airplane, a boat, a chicken, a cat, etc. He pointed to each one and the X Man identified it. Some in English, some in Italian, but he got every single one correct. Now, this in itself is probably not that unusual. However, at one point he pointed to the car and said "auto", then grabbed his toy car, put it next to the picture of the car and said "auto, due" ("due" being "two" in Italian). I was absolutely floored. He's not even two years old yet and he can count. I looked at the neighbors and they were smiling - apparently, this was not the first time. Giampietro informed me that sometimes when they're going up the stairs, he counts out loud with each step all the way up to 8 (in Italian).

I had already planned a future as a pro soccer player for him, but maybe I need to rethink this...


Anonymous said...

As a teacher, I can certainly back up your claims that the XMan could be a genius. Bilingual babies usually outscore and outperform their peers by the early elementary school years. Put soccer on the backburner and push for medical school, Rik.

Blog ho said...

no one plays soccer.

Anonymous said...

The Xman must take after his genius "uncle Steve-O"!

Signed, Anonymous...NOT Steve-O