As usual, I get up early and went to the bar to get my coffee and read the Gazetto dello Sport. Soon after returning home, the X Man awoke:
We started the day with a little game of hallway soccer. The X Man cheated and used his hands. Maybe he's going to be a goalie?:
Around lunchtime we headed for the mountains. We had lunch in a little ristorante in Valstagna where the X Man ate most of mama's seafood and spaghetti:
After lunch we hit the river. I headed for the water:
While mama took the X Man for a popsicle (his favorite treat) and to play in the nearby playground:
Alas, no fish were caught so we decided to call it a day and prepared to leave. At least I didn't fall in the river again:
We headed home and I relaxed with a nice bottle of St. Anselmi 2003 Cabernet Franc from the Friuli region. The Cabernet Franc was a microcosm of the weekend itself - not very eventful and busy, yet satisfying with just enough to keep you from getting bored:
Hope everyone else had a good weekend too...
Our weekend was terrible. We are sun starved. Summer never visited us here! Gloomy and raining at 16C. We envy you all down south!!!
Hey, do you know this "Est!Est!Est!" white wine? My father in law gave me that from Italy. He told me of the story (as usual) of how the wine adapted the name.
Oh, the fishes were scared of you Rik. They knew you were coming.
DP - I think I would actually trade places wit hyou right now. The heat here is becoming unbearable.
I know that wine well. I wonder if your father in law got the story of how it gots its name correct. There's a similar wine from the same region that I like called Orvieto. It goes well with fish and seafood. And there's a red from the same region called Montefalco which is also excellent.
You need to start writing about something else for a while. I'm starting to get jealous of your weekends!
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