As you know, the wife and kid are in the US for the next couple weeks. And while I'll never be able to match the run I had during my last parole, there was no way I was going to just sit on my couch and watch TV for two weeks when all of Europe is outside my door.
While trying to decide whether to go somewhere this weekend or to just spend it relaxing on the river, my decision was suddenly made very easy. My friend in Venice emailed me and informed me that they had an open apartment this weekend that was free to use if I wanted to. And so, after work tomorrow, I shall be jumping in Old Triple 7 and heading for La Serrenissima, Bella Venezia. As of this moment there are no pub crawl plans since it's just me. If Wayne and Nikki are available, they may join me of course. About the only thing I know I'll be doing for sure is watching some football (soccer) in the Fiddler's Elbow. And I definitely foresee a kebab or two in my future...
Oh man! If all of my money didn't go to our "back to the philippines" fund i'd have me and Grace jump on a plane and spend a weekend in venice! :D
Oh well.. guess I won't see venice again until next year... have fun dude!
Going to try and make it for the Saturday man. Spurs & Chelsea, can't miss that one. I'll let you know tomorrow.
Ciao for now!
Mike - Dip into your savings dude! It's a FREE apartment!
Wayne - The Indian restaurant awaits...
I remember going to a party hosted by the Iowa State Cyclone hockey team in their free apartment. They were playing darts with steak knives on the living room wall. Those were certainly the good times.
i like it when your family travels.
Sounds like a fun "parole" weekend. I'm hoping to see more of beautiful Italy as soon I get settled in. BTW, thanks for all the great info on Bella Italia.
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