Can anyone explain this one to me?!
Welcome to Rik's Blog. Rik is a US citizen who was going nowhere and decided to join the Army and come to Europe to finally start experiencing life way back in 1998. He went from Germany to Italy, back to Germany, then back to Italy, then took a slight detour in South Carolina before going back to Italy, then to South Korea and now, finally, back in Germany. What a long, strange trip it's been...
Yah, what the hell is that??? OK. It says:
Beware of landslide cause by cow.
Where did you see this sign, Rik?
The sign was positioned diagonally.
It looks like warning about cows' crossing?
ARA - I can't remember exactly where, but I came across it somewhere on the net.
Beware of falling cows? I mean, is this really a problem somewhere out there? Reminds me of Monty Python and the Holy Grail when they threw cows via catapult. Run away! Run away!
Awesome, beware, Act of God in the making! Where in the hell didi you find this sign?
Darren - See my comment above...
Pitchez la Vasch!!!!!!!!
Looks more like a sheep to me though...
Beware of suicidal cows. Haven't you seen milk prices lately?
Extreme cow tipping compettion?
that's funny. If a cow landed on my car i would probably just keep driving...right to the butcher shop.
It's either base jumping is not only limited to humans or even cows get the blues!
Beware of Mad Cow disease!
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