Translation: "Please excuse me but I only have 5 points remaining on my license, I must obey the speed limit"
Don't give up without a fight!
Decisions, decisions...
Welcome to Rik's Blog. Rik is a US citizen who was going nowhere and decided to join the Army and come to Europe to finally start experiencing life way back in 1998. He went from Germany to Italy, back to Germany, then back to Italy, then took a slight detour in South Carolina before going back to Italy, then to South Korea and now, finally, back in Germany. What a long, strange trip it's been...
What's the last signpost? My navigation skill when in Italy is totally useless!
Scha - Yeah, I hate the French drivers here, they don't know how to drive in Italy. And driving in France is the wrost - there's a toll every 2 kilometers!
wahahah yeah now i remember those signs!! I was dumb enough not to make any pictures of those when i was touring through Italy =(
It's a great country none the less ;)
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