Venice is not a "party" city per se. Nobody ever says "Hey, we're going to Venice to party and go crazy!"...well, I do sometimes, but that's a different story...
Steve Lester and I at the Devil's Forest Pub
While lacking in overall nightlife, Venice does have three excellent Irish Pubs. The first is the Devil's Forest Pub. Located just off the main tourist route, this one is fun, but a little small. There are times when we can't even get in to get a pint because there's just no room. At one time, this was my favorite because in addition to Guinness, they have Kilkenny Cream Ale on tap. I'm not a big Kilkenny fan, but their Cream Ale is excellent.
The second option is probably my favorite - The Fiddler's Elbow. They have Guinness and Kilkenny Cream Ale as well but it's closer to the train station, right on the tourist route. I like it because it's a lot bigger than the Devil's Forest and they have an additional feature that the DF does not - outdoor seating. They also have a huge flat screen TV and severa lsmaller ones, so it's a great place to go watch football (soccer) and rugby.
The other pub in Venice is called the Inishark (great name!). It's a little further off the beaten path, but it has a certain old world charm about it. This is usually where we end up at the end of the night for one or two last pints.
Steve and I outside the Inishark
One of my favorite things in the world is to start out in one pub, meet some wayward travelers, and end up pub hopping with them the rest of the night. And if it's their first time in Venice, I make sure to hit a few sights betwen pubs so they can see Venice as they probably never would.
I'll be sure to post the details on Monday. So let the "Venice Pub Crawl April '05" begin...
gosh, i haven't done a pub crawl in a long time; the last time that it even resembled a pub crawl was sometime last year for a friend's birthday .. i think it's short of a pub crawl because we stopped at the first bar we went to; the atmosphere, peeps, etc were all good and we didn't want to chance going to the next bar that was dead. it didn't help that we were out on a tuesday night .. but that was the actual birthday night, and she's fickle about celebrating birthday on the exact day (don't get me started on the mayan vs julian vs gregorian vs chinese vs hebrew etc calenars!).
as i've never been to venice, i can only live viariously through you. my visits to italy have been limited to firenze and roma/vatican city. my friend in college (a foreign exchange student) invited me to visit her and i was able to make it over for spring break .. that's a story for another time.
Three pubs hardly constitutes a crawl, amigo...(haha!)
What does Inishark mean, anyhoo?
"What does Inishark mean, anyhoo?"
In Tagalog (Filipino national language), INIS means IRRITATED or ANGRY... and yeah we all know what shark means. So watchout, it will bite!
Geeze, I'm so envious of all of you who have visited other places. I've only been to Canada. siiiigh. If it's Irish you're partial to, try this:
Good to read you're having fun! Keep up the pup crawl diary, and especially pictures!!
Found your blogpost thru google. Im in venice right now trying to find Guinness. Walked by Irishark by accident but seem to have missed Devils Forest, checking the map we missed it by one street.
Tomorrow we will redeem that mistake :)
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