Now, in case you can't quite make out what it says on the front of his binder, here's a close-up:
Presumably, he meant to title his binder "EQUIPMENT TURN IN". And the fact that he took the time to do it on his computer and print it out to make his binder look more professional makes it that much funnier.
God bless our troops...
What I see are words such as: "QUIT", "RUN" and "IN" (duck?)! Hahaha
I often wonder if spellings like that aren't a form of dislexia. I have a co-worker who does stuff like that all the time.
Or perhaps it was just a brain fart. Once in six grade, I remember having a terrible brain fart. I couldn't remember for the life of me how to spell 'of'. After much agonizing, I raised my hand and asked the teacher how to spell 'of' to which she looked at me like I was spoking pot. She asked me how I thought it was spelled and I said 'uv.' I thought for a second she was going to give me a detention for being a smart ass but she eventually saw the embarassment in my eyes and took pity on me instead. I have never forgotten that episode after all these years.
spoking = smoking
That sweet smell is really starting to get strong in here.
I worked with a guy I thought was reasonably inelligent, despite whispers of "possible retardation" from other crew members. It wasn't until he filled out a grocery list that I realized his cranial deficiencies. Among his desires listed were "cofey" and "solsa". Best of all, he drank 2-3 Pepsis every day, yet asked for "Pepesi" on the grocery order.
eThib - I'll just bet you've got some great Navy intelligence stories too...
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