Friday, June 05, 2009

I'm falling apart.

June was supposed to be my month. For most of the month of May I would have family visiting, first my mother for a week then my father and his wife for 10 days and since I was on leave much of the time I knew that I would probably be eating and drinking more than normal. Thus I had planned on making June the month where I started getting back on the diet and exercise horse and not only working off the month of May but also dropping an extra 5 or 10 pounds which would get me close to my Army weight. June approached and I had visions of hitting the gym, throwing the kettlebells around in the yard, doing my cardio three times a week and following a diet of healthy salads, chicken, fish and seafood. The past couple weeks I was feeling more motivated than ever and I could not wait to get started.

And then, in keeping with my bad luck streak since coming back to Italy, reality struck.

First the shoulder problem that has plagued me for the past 4 months is still lingering and is preventing me from using my kettlebells or doing pretty much any upper body workouts including push-ups, which used to be my staple. Not only that but a week or two ago I hurt my back lifting a TV by myself. I thought it was just a tweak and would go away but it's gotten progressively worse and is preventing me from doing any cardio beyond walking. So basically my exercise so far this month has been limited to walking and even that is a little uncomfortable with my sore back. The only good news is that my diet is going great so far as I've eaten healthy all week - even at work - and have only had a single glass of wine in the past week. It's very frustrating for me because for some strange reason I've been chomping at the bit lately to start doing some balls-to-the-wall workouts but I am physically unable to. I've been to the doc on base three times for my shoulder and he has no clue what is wrong so the next step is to get an MRI which should hopefully reveal the problem. If my back doesn't get better soon I may be forced to go see the doctor about that as well.

God it sucks getting old...


Anonymous said...

welcome to my world


Rik said...

Why didn't you warn me Gino?

Anonymous said...

because he wants you to join his