Quite the contrary actually.
While the wife and I laugh at this picture as appearing to show me scared to death of baby #2, the reality is actually the opposite; I'm thoroughly enjoying the second kid so far. I think it's because we've already gotten the "fear of the unknown" out of the way with the X Man but whatever it is, things seem a lot easier this time around.
Luca is eating well (a very healthy appetite to be sure) and sleeps a lot. The only problems we're having so far are actually with the X Man; he is acting out quite a bit in an effort to recoup some the attention that he lost when Luca arrived. I'm told this is normal but hopefully it won't last too long as I have little patience for it. I'm doing my best, taking him out for daddy-X Man excursions, trying to give him extra attention, etc, but nothing seems to be working.
All in all, we're having a ball with little Luca and wish like hell that we could share him with everyone...
Try regular and frequent beatings.
That works for everything.
...the beatings will continue until morale improves...
What you talkin' bout, Luca?!?
Be glad that they are not teenagers yet!! That is another thing for you to look forward to.
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