Friday, September 11, 2009


Well, it's been over a week now, my shoulder is getting better, the bandages are off but I still don't have very good range of motion. I am going to attempt to drive to the base for the grocery shopping in a couple days. If that goes well then I will be going back to work on Monday as scheduled. While I'm not looking forward to going back to hell work, I am going absolutely crazy sitting at home with nothing to do. I ran out of movies/tv shows after about 4 days so mostly I sit on the couch watching stuff on Youtube or wasting time on Facebook. This is not how I prefer using my vacation time I can assure you.

Anyway, nothing else to say except I'm glad that September is here and the cooler weather. With it come soccer and football season so I am a happy boy...


eric said...

Go buy a portable 500 gb ard drivre and spend your time putting your movies, pics, and music onto it. then instead of dragging around a stack of 2 lb. DVD's when you travel or worrying that your laptop will crash and you'll lose all your music/pictures, you'll have a backup about the size and weight of a pack of smokes. It'll keep you busy for a week, easy.

eric said...

'ard drivres' cost about $100-150 and can probably be bought at the PX.

Kitty said...

Glad the shoulder is on the mend. I had a frozen shoulder last year.

Btw, today my grandson (8 yrs) played the first soccer game of the season. It was the most difficult team they'll play, too, and they beat them 4-1 :~)

They ended their spring season unbeaten. Hunter loves to run so he plays a stopper.
